
LogParser did it again: application pool recycle

This started as a “standard” w3wp.exe crash, but this time IIS was also randomly disabling one of the application pools on the server. This is a protection mechanism we have since IIS 6 called Rapid Fail Protection that disables ad application pool (for security and stability reasons) if it fails (encounters severe errors) too often: how often and how much time it’s configurable (see Configuring Rapid-Fail Protection in IIS 6.0), the default is 5 failures in 5 minutes.

Looking at the System event log there were plenty of messages like:

A worker process with process id of ‘xxx’ serving application pool ‘MyAppPool’ has requested a recycle because it reached its virtual memory limit.

And also:

A process serving application pool ‘MyAppPool’ exceeded time limits during shut down. The process id was ‘xxx’.

How often? As usual, LogParser comes at hand.

    "select quantize(TimeGenerated, 300) as TimeGen, count(*) as NumberOfrecycles
    into memory_limit_recycles.log from system.evt 
    where EventID = 1077 and Message like '%\'MyAppPool%' group by TimeGen order by TimeGen" 
    -i:evt -o:nat -rtp:-1

Note the “quantize” function: LogParser help states “Truncates a value to the nearest multiple of another value”; what it actually does in the command above is count the number of recurrences of a certain event in “blocks” of 5 minutes (300 seconds in my sample).

The output is something like:

Generated           NumberOfRecycles 
------------------- ----------------
2008-07-06 21:55:00 5
2008-07-06 22:00:00 5
2008-07-06 22:05:00 5
2008-07-06 22:10:00 4
2008-07-06 22:15:00 4
2008-07-06 22:20:00 3
2008-07-06 22:25:00 1
2008-07-06 22:30:00 2
2008-07-06 22:35:00 1
2008-07-06 22:40:00 2
2008-07-06 22:45:00 1
2008-07-06 22:50:00 2
2008-07-06 22:55:00 1
2008-07-06 23:00:00 2
2008-07-06 23:05:00 1
2008-07-06 23:10:00 2
2008-07-06 23:15:00 1
2008-07-06 23:20:00 2
2008-07-06 23:25:00 1
2008-07-06 23:30:00 2
2008-07-06 23:35:00 3

As you can see the pool is recycled quite often, event 4-5 times every 5 minutes, exactly the default limit configured for pool heal checking in IIS… Moreover we don’t have to forget about the second error message:

    "select quantize(TimeGenerated, 300) as TimeGen, count(*) as ShutDownLimit into ShutDownLimit.log 
    from system.evt where Message like '%\'MyAppPool%' and Message like '%exceeded time limits during shut down%' 
    group by TimeGen order by TimeGen" -i:evt -o:nat -rtp:-1

And the output is:

TimeGen             ShutDownLimit 
------------------- -----
2008-07-09 09:05:00 3
2008-07-09 10:00:00 5
2008-07-11 14:40:00 3
2008-07-15 10:50:00 5
2008-07-15 11:30:00 3
2008-07-15 13:00:00 3
2008-07-15 14:45:00 3
2008-07-15 14:50:00 4
2008-07-15 14:55:00 3
2008-07-15 16:15:00 3
2008-07-15 16:20:00 4
2008-07-15 16:40:00 3
2008-07-15 16:45:00 3
2008-07-15 17:00:00 3
2008-07-15 17:25:00 3
2008-07-15 17:30:00 3
2008-07-15 17:40:00 3
2008-07-15 17:45:00 3
2008-07-15 17:55:00 3
2008-07-15 18:00:00 4

Sometimes we’re clearly exceeding the configured pool health checking so really no surprise IIS disables it.

But why the pool is recycled so often? Well, we found a mistake in customer’s configuration: the application pool was configured to be recycled when the virtual memory reached 50 Mb, definitely a value too low. Increasing it to resolved also this problem: no more pool recycles and as obvious side effect the users noticed an increased stability and performance when working with the application.



Quote of the day:

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends. – Baltasar Gracian

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