• Automation,  Azure,  Powershell

    Test Azure custom modules with Pester

    Before I go too far along with building my LSECosmos module I must add proper tests. Just as a quick refresher (or to get some context if you’re not familiar with the concept), here are some pointers about Test Driven Development and Unit Testing: Test Driven Development (Wikipedia) Unit Testing (Wikipedia) Software Testing Fundamentals While it is relatively straightforward to test simple scripts (we would likely manually run the script testing a 2-3 core scenarios to make sure nothing terrible happens), things can get complicated fairly quickly with longer scripts or modules, especially when they are using a variety of cmdlets to take actions (think about Azure resources for example, or any other system-wide on-prem operation), need to pass data and objects back and forth between calls and so on. If you have written enough lines of code (no matter the language/tool you use), I bet you can remember at least one occasion where you decided to make an apparently small and innocent change to a well working piece of software an all hell broke loose 😵. I recently came across this meme on Facebook, it sums it up nicely 😅 (thanks to CodeChef for sharing): At its core proper…

  • Azure,  Powershell

    CosmosDb module

    CosmosDb is a non-relational, distributed database you can to build highly scalable, global applications in Azure. It is: – Always on – Offers throughput scalability – Low latency, guaranteed – No schema or indexes management – Globally distributed – Enterprise ready – Use popular no-Sql APIs https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/introduction It’s all great from a development perspective, but when it comes to management things are a bit different. CosmosDb can be managed to a certain extent through Azure CLI but as of this writing there is no Powershell module available: I admit I have only superficially explored the existing modules and while it is great to see the Powershell Community sharing modules and scripts, it would probably be nice to have an official module by Microsoft as many other Resource Provider offer. This is a good opportunity though to continue exploring the topic I have introduced in my previous post about calling Resource Provider actions and since these script will likely be reused (I can actually use them at work), why not build a reusable module? Module basics Writing a Windows Powershell Module is a good point to start to get an overview of this topic; I’ll write a script module and I’ll…

  • Azure,  Powershell

    Invoke Azure Resource Provider actions with Powershell

    Recently I started to convert all my script and modules to run on Powershell Core and I soon realized I have a problem. When it comes to Azure resources, I work with a combination of both ARM and RDFE and all is good in Powershell Desktop on Windows: just load (or let Powershell load for me) both the Azure module and the combination of Az.<RPName> components I need. I have now changed to Powershell Core as my default on Windows (on macOS/Linux I don’t really have a choice 😉) but I encountered compatibility and runtime errors with the Azure and Azure.Storage modules, even if I import Windows Compatibility first. Typically Powershell Core complains about duplicate assemblies already loaded but I also got weird runtime errors trying to run basic cmdlets. Since I want to move to Powershell Core anyway I decided to not try to figure out how to solve the problem but rather move to ARM completely, writing my own cmdlets and functions not otherwise available. Luckily the Resource Providers I am interested in (Cloud Services for example) expose APIs and actions for Classic (RDFE) resources, so to get started I just need to find the right one 🤓.…