• Tools,  VSCode

    Hogwarts colors for VSCode

    Developers spend so much time in their IDE of choice that it has to feel like a second home: it is not uncommon for devs to spend time to customize, often in minute details, the look and feel of their code editor to maximize their productivity. My favorite editor by far is Visual Studio Code, the Marketplace has a growing number of extensions and Color Themes are a popular category, there are plenty of themes, colors, icons to choose from. But despite all this abundance I could not find a theme that reminded me of my other favorite environment (and book series): Harry Potter and Hogwarts šŸ¤“ So I decided to create my own, trying to stay as close as possible to the colors seen in the movie series and described by J.K.Rowling on Pottermore: Colours Red, green and shocking pink: the importance of wizarding world colours How do you colour coordinate the wizarding world? Colours or Pottermore damngoodshindig.comĀ for the Hogwarts and House crests On the technical side, creating a color theme for VSCode is not complicated, the documentation has what’s needed to get started and follow along some samples: Theming (under extensibility reference) Color Theme Theme color reference Maybe…

  • Powershell,  Tools

    Get any Function’s source code from the Function PSDrive

    You may be already familiar with the concept of PSDrive or Powershell Providers: PowerShell providers are Microsoft .NET Framework-based programs that make the data in a specialized data store available in PowerShell so that you can view and manage it.The data that a provider exposes appears in a drive, and you access the data in a path like you would on a hard disk drive. You can use any of the built-in cmdlets that the provider supports to manage the data in the provider drive. And, you can use custom cmdlets that are designed especially for the data.The providers can also add dynamic parameters to the built-in cmdlets. These are parameters that are available only when you use the cmdlet with the provider data. You are likely using some Providers (especially the File System Provider) without even realizing it, while some come in handy if you need to perform actions on specific types of objects. For example you can list the certificates under your profile running Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My. Notice the use of “Cert:” (Certificate) Provider (or PSDrive). The Function: drive allows to list all functions available in the current powershell session: As you can see some functions come with…